Saturday, 10 January 2009


It can be kind of creepy, but I kind of like it... It's always foggy whenever I go home-home in Nor-Cal. I love the quiet, cold, crisp air...

Friday, 9 January 2009


I made lasagna the other day. I was super sleepy but still made it. I think it was a success. People said it was good, or were they just being nice? : /

Sunday, 4 January 2009


This is the courtyard outside the building where I work. I usually hate how it's dark when I leave, but at least it made a pretty picture.

Fish eat Fish World

This is inside Fisherman's Outlet in LA. I don't get the picture that much, it's fish coming out of another fishes mouth, with a fish border. The food here is pretty good though.

Charlie, Trees, and Panda

It's Charlie Brown!

I took this at the park across the street from my house. Foliage. So pretty.
This is a stuffed panda/pillow that Mary and Nancy gave me for X-mas. Isn't it soooo cuuute!??!?!