Monday, 15 December 2008


Finally, LA is feeling a little bit like winter. I heard the pitter-patter on the rooftop this morning, and it rained quite a bit on my way too work. I wore my galoshes, and busted out my green umbrella. The rain sets my mood right at this moment.


I took this picture while I was at a stoplight on Highland Ave. in Hollywood. All the lights + the low resolution actually make LA look kind of pretty. To be honest, I took this picture to show my mom the House billboard, but you can't really tell it's him.

And just for kicks (pun intended?) a higher quality picture.. this is a shoe store on Sunset Blvd., possibly the biggest shoe store I've ever seen. You have to wonder, how did they get that giant shoe up there? And who would wear a shoe that big? A giant?

Sunday, 14 December 2008


I went to Lake Arrowhead this past weekend, and I was hoping (very much) for snow to fall... and it DID! I hadn't seen snow in a long time, since... maybe 10 years ago! I was so happy when it snowed on Saturday night. Snowball fights, snow angels, and snowmen.. AWESOME.

Learn to Park

Some dude thought this parking job was ok. I don't agree. 3 feet from the curb?