Thursday, 25 December 2008

Holiday Balls

Took a couple of these during Xmas Eve. This is the one I took on my phone. Happy Holidays!

Monday, 22 December 2008


This is the the top of the parking garage of the place where I work as seen from my office window. The whole thing is usually packed with cars, and the attendants have to double park everywhere they can. So it is pretty unusual to see it this empty. I guess most everyone has this whole week off.... lucky people....

By the way, I took this picture through the venetian blinds, so yes, those are my fingers.

Monday, 15 December 2008


Finally, LA is feeling a little bit like winter. I heard the pitter-patter on the rooftop this morning, and it rained quite a bit on my way too work. I wore my galoshes, and busted out my green umbrella. The rain sets my mood right at this moment.


I took this picture while I was at a stoplight on Highland Ave. in Hollywood. All the lights + the low resolution actually make LA look kind of pretty. To be honest, I took this picture to show my mom the House billboard, but you can't really tell it's him.

And just for kicks (pun intended?) a higher quality picture.. this is a shoe store on Sunset Blvd., possibly the biggest shoe store I've ever seen. You have to wonder, how did they get that giant shoe up there? And who would wear a shoe that big? A giant?

Sunday, 14 December 2008


I went to Lake Arrowhead this past weekend, and I was hoping (very much) for snow to fall... and it DID! I hadn't seen snow in a long time, since... maybe 10 years ago! I was so happy when it snowed on Saturday night. Snowball fights, snow angels, and snowmen.. AWESOME.

Learn to Park

Some dude thought this parking job was ok. I don't agree. 3 feet from the curb?

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Dogs and Cars

I thought this was a neat car. On the licence plate it said historic car or something. Some old man was driving.

My dog. Doesn't it look like shes smiling? :)


are the source of freedom. I saw this up on the ceiling in the bathroom of Canter's in Los Angeles. Nothing special, something random.

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Pei Wei in Phoenix

I had to go to Phoenix for work this week. It was boring. For some reason I just ate at random Asian fast food places like Pei Wei and Samurai Sam. I don't know if there are any of those places in CA. I also ate at a Mexican food place and went to the art museum. I'll probably have to go to Phoenix again. Hopefully not soon. If anyone knows of anything cool I should check out please let me know. I was bored out of my mind there.

First Snow of Winter

Living in CA there were no real seasonal changes I can really remember other than hot and not so hot. In New England there is the fall and the changing color of the leaves, there is the beginning of spring when everybody where shorts, and then there is the first day of snow. It's finally really cold enough outside and the next couple months everyone is going to be wearing big jackets and boots.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

14th floor

I go to school in the Boston Medical Center and there are 14 floors to the building. I'm about 3 weeks away from finishing and I got to go to the top today. A year and a half flew by so fast.


Walking around Boston there are huge building everywhere. Whenever I go back to Cali I feel like I'm in the wide open.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008


I used to live on this street. We never had the double yellow lines in the middle. Not even those white bike lines on the side. The trees got bigger, and it makes things look prettier. The houses look the same, more or less... just different paint and rooftops. But it's the same quiet town I remember it to be.

Monday, 24 November 2008

my dog is lazy.

Today has been a lazy day. I've been studying and my dog, well she just sleeps all day everyday. That's my Chookie!! Well, except for the times when she gets all crazy and barks at people or humps her monkey.

On set Rock Band

The business of making films requires lots of waiting around and hustlin'... I forgot how crazy that can be.

Sunday, 23 November 2008

The ride home from work.

It's a gloomy day.

This is a building from Disneyland. Yay Disneyland!!! I want to go, but no one will go with me. Well I don't really want to pay to go either.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Yay! I joined. And I'm sick.

Hi guys! I'm so excited to join this blog. My first post... I'm sick. My medicine of choice:

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Smells of Burning

I don't do too much walking in LA cause no one really walks here, really... But it is nice to go once in a while by myself, even with the smell of burning fires and smokey air....

I forgot how much I missed you...

Santa Barbara... I visited last weekend for the first time in a long time. A flood of memories rushed to my head.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


I had a bunch of computers before I had my macs and I've only had 2 in the last 6 years. They're stuff just makes sense I don't worry about viruses and don't get f'ed over every 6 months. Sorry haters.

Little Person Big World

Matt Roloff came to Northeastern and talked about turning disadvantages into advantages. He just talked for an hour about his life, really cool stuff.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

I was part of history. I made it count. I VOTED on November 4th, 2008.

I woke up at 6:30am to get to my polling place early at 6:50am. I was welcomed with a long line, and an hour and 15 minutes to wait.
I voted on November 4th, 2008.
I am happy to be part of this moment.

Monday, 20 October 2008


How stupid is it, won't you give me a minute...just come up to me and say hello to my heart... Oh Weezer, how I love you...

Friday, 17 October 2008


This is at Copley Square. I get out of class on Thursday and head over to the borders and just wind out. It is going to be weird not living here.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

3 painted walls

These walls are located in downtown LA. They are huge, and my friend pointed out that they may be painted manually. I was arguing that they are probably posters pasted onto the building, but... he might be right...

Monday, 13 October 2008

Fresh air, green trees, good company...

I went to San Diego last weekend for SDAFF. It was nice to get out of the smogginess of LA... I was welcomed by open roads, open air, and a vast amount of space. This is Balboa Park... it's pretty there...

Sunday, 12 October 2008


This is my office, yeah it sounds weird. Although they pay me nothing, my name on the door is pretty cool.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Somewhere in SD

This isn't my cellphoto, but this is Kerin's. She sent me this in a text msg during her lunch. And earlier, we were talking about roaming the streets of a foreign country or laying on a meadow watching the clouds pass by. This is her parking lot near her work... my parking lot looks like sh*t compared to this... haha

Gloomy LA

It's October, and you'd think it would start to cool down a lot more. A few days ago, LA saw some gloomy clouds looming overhead and misty showers... but the next day, we were back at 75 degree weather... Where are you Autumn?


I got the camera straight for once. Usually it tilts but I just got lucky

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Back to the mini-fro

I finally cut my hair. Everytime I cut my hair, I feel like a new me... and I don't exactly know why... but I do.

Thursday, 2 October 2008


This is the biggest borders I ever been too at downtown crossing. Due to my poor status, I go there and read a bunch of photo books and leave. In the winter they played Radiohead In Rainbows on repeat, thank god.

Birthday Email

My mom didn't call me, but she sent this e-mail to me. I just wonder how long it took her to type it... I'm sure she has improved her typing skills tho...

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

La Papusa Guanaca

I love this place. Every week I go in and get this, two pork papusas, and a chicken empenada. It's all 5 bucks and just incredible.

Monday, 29 September 2008

Big Red Elevator

I finally went to the LACMA. They redid it, and they had this big red elevator... I would visit it just for that.. teheee


It rained 4 days straight. yeah....

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Jamaica Plain

These steps are in front of my house, they just lead into the woods

Friday, 26 September 2008

Central Park Trees

Sitting on a bench in Central Park. It was relaxing.

Back Bay

Waiting at on Mass ave. for the #1

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Life is Beautiful

Sunset Blvd. Sign for an art show that was happening in LA at the time.